While millions of employees work from home, the issue of clothing and looking good is all the more important since many meetings are now held by videoconference.
Today, we call each other via Skype, Zoom, Teams and FaceTime to see each other live. But these new means of communication are uncompromising with our dark circles and our pale complexion! Discover these tips for being beautiful even through the camera's eye.
Put on Makeup
It's a fact, video calls accentuate faults! The webcam of our computer or our phone tracks our imperfections and fades the colours. But no question of being surprised by this unflattering screen! Our best ally? Makeup. Start by enhancing your complexion by applying a light foundation to the face. Camouflage your buttons with a touch of concealer and highlight certain areas with a highlighter: the forehead, chin, cheekbones and the crooks of the eyes. Obviously, if you are particularly tired, don't forget your concealer. Conversely, apply a tan on other parts to soften and refine the features of your face: on the hollow of the cheeks, temples and under the chin. Finally, highlight the eyes or the lips.
Use Lights
Light must be used to appear in its best light. Use the techniques of professional photographers by placing a lamp in front of you to avoid the disastrous effect of the backlight. Indeed, if you are back to the light, nasty shadows may accentuate the features drawn from your face. While if you have the light in front of you, your complexion will be smoothed, and you will immediately look good. However, avoid too white lights and choose warm lighting. If the weather is nice, just stand in front of a window. Sunlight will immediately warm your complexion!
Choose Your Outfit
If you have a pale complexion, for example, avoid black turtleneck sweaters which accentuate the whiteness of your face. But no question either of putting on a yellow t-shirt or a pastel pink shirt! These colours are often not suitable for light skin tones. Instead, bet on warm colours like camel for example, or even downright flashy like poppy.
The secret to being on top of the camera on your phone or computer? It means taking care of your skin every day. To look natural, make regular facial treatments to smooth the skin texture and tighten pores. If you have an important call, you can also do a gentle peel at home! This type of treatment is ideal for having a smooth and luminous complexion quickly. Finally, do not hesitate to do a facial massage to relax your facial muscle.
Place Your Phone or Computer Correctly
To avoid the double chin effect, always position your smartphone slightly high. Ditto for your laptop, try to elevate it with books or magazines to refine your face! In all cases, place your device at the right distance using your outstretched arm as a guide.